Volunteers Needed
Haddington and District Community Council are needing you to Volunteer. HDCC is run by Volunteers but increasingly there are more and more requirements we have to comply with from Health and Safety to raising our own funds. Which means we need more people to help us...AGM position election results
Election of Office Bearers Chairperson – Chris McEwan Vice-Chairperson – Pat Lemmon Correspondence Secretary – Fiona McEwan Treasurer – John Hamilton Election of Officers, Representatives and Liaisons* Press Officer – Graham Samuel...
Haddington and District Community Council will hold our Annual General Meeting on 12th October 2021 Councillor Tom Trotter will announce the results of the election and chair the election of the chairperson for 2021/22 session. A full formal agenda can be found...
Community Council Election Results 2021
Thank you to everyone who voted in the recent community council election. The votes have been counted and the results of the Vote are as below. Congratulations to those who made it on to the Community Council.