Spaces for People Plans

Please find below the Spaces for People plans as pertinent to Haddington. If you wish to show your support or Object then please contact us at Community council or the County counsellors direct. 06 –...

East Lothian Council Councillors

Looking for the Haddington and Lammermuir East Lothian Elected Councillors? Councillor Shamin Akhtar  – 07718 669 395 or Councillor Craig Hoy  – or telephone 07834 337653 or 01620 827335 Councillor John...

Keep up to date with us on Social Media

Come join us on HCC and get updates on community items Haddington Community Council Public group · 675 members   Join Group   Haddington Community Council (HCC) are a Volunteer organisation setup in accordance with the Local Government act 1994. HCC...

Haddington Lending Library

Would you like a book, jigsaw or DVD? would you like to have someone to bring it to your door on a regular basis? If you answered yes, then register on, or phone.07592 003 386 to join our lending/swapping library. Full details off...

CWIC Mental Health line

If you or someone you know are feeling anxious, depressed or have other worries about mental health, call CWIC team on 01620 642 963 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday. An experienced worker will take your details and make an appointment for you to speak to a...

NHS is Open

Please remember your local NHS and GP surgery is open for all ailments not just Covid-19 related.  If you feel unwell or have any need for the GP do not put it off. Local Medical Help Tyne Medical Practice  – Tel: 01620 823 183