Community Council Elections – Closing Date
A reminder that the closing date for receipt of completed nomination forms is 4 pm on Thursday 16 September. Forms can be handed into John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington or by email to elections@eastlothian.gov.uk Forms are available at the following web...
Community Council Elections 2021
You Could Be a Haddington and District Community Councillor from October 7th 2021 Community council elections throughout East Lothian were scheduled to take place in 2020 but were pushed back 12 months as a result of Covid Pandemic. East Lothian Council has confirmed...
How and where to get a test
What to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19 If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (the most common of which are a continuous cough, fever/high temperature, loss of/change in sense of smell or taste) you should make an appointment through the NHS Inform website or...