There has been a few challenges with the waste recylcing in recent weeks and we wanted to help peole find the solutions to the problems.

  1. Check your recycling calendar for what to put out when. Recycle for East Lothian
  2. For help presenting your recycling boxes or food caddies call FCC Environment on 01620 678 825. FCC Environment provide the collection service on behalf of ELC.
  3. Missing boxes or sacks order online here. New or additional containers | Waste and recycling services for households | East Lothian Council  (note at publication Sacks ordering) was not available so in the meantime contact FCC Environment on 01620 678 825.
  4. Needing assistance with collections through disability, age or ill-health?  Apply online here Assisted collections | Waste and recycling services for households | East Lothian Council or call 01620 678 825
  5. Missing collections  call 01875 824305 to provide your details over the phone or email

We will continue to put pressure on East lothian Council to make sure evreyone has sacks, boxes and their recycling, bins and food waste are lifted.